School Programs

Elementary (Grades 1-5)

Superior Educational Experience in Both Jewish and General Studies

Our Elementary branches provide students with the education they will need to be citizens of the 21st century. We not only provide students with the necessary skills; we teach them to be thinkers, innovators, and leaders. The day is divided equally into General and Judaic Studies, while students are continually immersed in Jewish life and culture.

List of 3 items.

  • General Studies - Curriculum

    The general studies curriculum is based on the Ontario curriculum. Depending on the specific subject, the scope, breadth and depth of implementation of the full Ontario curriculum varies. Long range plans are created to outline the sequence and timing connected to general curriculum expectations or topics.

    AHS utilizes the four categories of the Achievement Chart (Knowledge & Understanding / Thinking / Communication / Application) to support deep implementation of curriculum expectations.

    Assessment practices support the development, feedback and learning skills embodied in the School Improvement Plan. AHS’s SIP contains a shared and clearly articulated vision that is measurable. Our leadership team and faculty use evidence-informed practices for teaming, and measurable indicators to monitor progress and set high expectations in all areas of student achievements.

    • Balanced literacy program
    • Math enrichment opportunities
    • In-class science experiments tied to units of study
    • Ongoing professional development for our educators so that best practices are constantly incorporated in our classrooms
    • Collaborative social studies projects that teach research and presentation skills
    • Skill-based specialty classes, including physical education, visual arts, robotics, coding and music
    • Extracurricular athletic programs, including competitive and intramural teams
    • Integration of technology with guided use of iPads, SMARTBoards, and Google Classroom
  • The Hebrew Language

    היתרון אשר לעברית על לשונות אחרות בהיותה הלבוש הטבעי של היהדות, שבו נולדה וגדלה והאריכה ימים
    אחד העם, סופר והוגה, 1927-1856

    "The advantage that Hebrew has over other languages is that it is the natural clothing of Judaism (a second skin) in which Judaism was born, grew up, and has lived its days." -Achad Ha'am

    The Hebrew language has a central role in shaping our identity as a people, and it is an integral part of the children’s Jewish way of life beginning in the early years.

    Learning the Hebrew language is an enthralling experience that takes into account the world of the child. It encourages creative thinking and curiosity while aiming to achieve excellence and increase knowledge.

    • AHS has created authentic materials that are aligned with ACFTL standards and benchmarks. Students learn to listen and comprehend both teachers and fellow students, answer questions in full sentences, read and understand the stories and songs taught, and master the Hebrew print alphabet.
    • Hebrew is visible inside and outside the classroom, including on signage, bulletin boards, and information and resource books for both parents and students
    • The school has a weekly Hebrew Homework Club after school, to foster success in Hebrew studies
  • Judaic Studies

    ערכים יהודיים אינם נמצאים בתוך קופסת תבלינים מהודרת שנפתחת רק בשבתות ובחגים כדי שניחוחה ימלא את האוויר, אלא במציאות היום-יומית של עשרות בעיות שבאמצעותן הערכים היהודיים מתעצבים ומוגדרים, לטוב ולרע
    א.ב. יהושע, הארץ, 12/5/2006

    Jewish values are not found in an ornate spice box that is opened only on Shabbat and holidays so that its aroma will fill the air, but rather, in the daily reality of the dozens of problems through which Jewish values are expressed and defined, for better or for worse. –A. B. Yehoshua
    • Half-day Ivrit B’Ivrit (Hebrew Immersion) for superior Hebrew language acquisition
    • Integrated Jewish holiday celebrations
    • In-depth Torah study
    • Spirited Israeli Shinshinim programming to foster real-world connection to Israel
    • Integrated technology, including VoiceThread collaboration program, iPads, SMARTBoards, and video links to Israel
    • Participation in community events through Chidon Hatanach, Zimriyah, Rikudiyah dance group, chesed projects and tzedakah drives